DFW Pool Services is a full service pool company locally owned and operated specializing in maintaining pools for all seasons and experienced in all types of pool repair Our mission is to protect your investment by offering superior quality swimming pool service without it costing you a fortune Whether you need pool cleaning services or repairs DFW Pool Services primary focus is on the quality of our work and in providing you with a superior level of customer service Regardless of your pool needs you deserve to have repairs done correctly the first time. Only the highest-quality materials and the best professional procedures are used by DFW Pool Services. We take pride in solving your swimming pool problems and providing you with the security of knowing that all pool issues will be correctly remedied. Our expert technicians are trained and experienced in all types of repairs including pool pumps filters motors controls timers heaters lights leaks electrical and plumbing Give us a call at 972-656-0872 today to discuss your swimming pool needs



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