Sell a House in Austin Texas

You may have sold a home or two but I have sold close to a hundred. I have the expertise to help you sell your home. Licensed since 1999 I m an Independent Broker and Seller s Representative Specialist. MARKETING PLAN Provide staging advice. And if appropriate consult a staging professional. The appearance of a property can effect the perceived value and amount of time it takes to sell. My plan is to help you get the most for your house in the shortest amount of time. Hire a professional photographer. The professional photographer will take quality photos of your house and those photos will be used in all the marketing bringing attention from buyers. This company also posts an independent site tour and tracks hits to all postings. They send a report once a week.Place a sign in the yard and lockbox on the door. This makes it easy for other REALTORS and their buyers to find and tour your house in a safe and controlled way.Create and display color flyers at location. There will be color flyers available for interested parties in a box at the sign as well as in the house.Broadcast to REALTORS clients & prospect database. A digital copy of the color flyer will be emailed to announce that your home is available for sale and the flyer will be easy for recipients to send to parties they may find will take interest.Place on MLS. With over 9 000 REALTORS in the greater Austin area servicing buyers MLS is the best resource to get the information to those REALTORS and distribution to online buyers through approved companion sites.Place on a multitude of other key sites. activerain and a minimum of 10 other locations. I want to be your REALTOR. If you are thinking of selling a house give me a call. I m happy to answer any questions you may have about the seller s disclosure or other matters involving selling a home. 512. 589.7988. Austin Texas Homes for Sale. Robin Scott BROKER Certified Residential Specialist Accredited Buyer s Representative Seller s Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.



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