Conference hall on Rent

W Business Center established in the year 2018 in Kothrud Pune is a top player in the category of Conference halls and offices on hire in the Pune. It is an effortless task in commuting to this establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available.which makes it easy for first-time visitors in locating this establishment.we have two Halls which are of 20 seater and 12 seater includes following facilities Facilities AC TV White Board Security Camera Inverter connection white board Markers Tissue Paper Bisleri Water Ample parking Space Silent place for meeting or conference Specious Hall.Price 1) 18 Seater 350 per Hour 2) 12 Seater 300 per Hour 3) Meal You have to order from outside (We help you to order) and serving and cleaning charges 100 - 4) Internet Charges 25 rs Per Pc for 1 hr 5) Blank pages 10 Rs for per 10 paper. 6)Refreshment charges Tea 20 Rs Coffee 25 RsContact Nilesh Ghodke 91 Nine Seven six five zero six eight one one 7



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