2006 Honda Odyssey EX-L wNavi wDVD

2006 Honda Odyssey EX-L Rear entertainment system Navigation w Backup camera One owner van very nice inside and out Really runs & drives great with 94 000 highway miles Finished in Blue Grey Metallic with Grey Leather interior. The paint shines beautifully and looks great. There is no dings or dents on the van. The Michelin tires have approximately 70% tread remaining The interior is very clean and fresh. No pet or smoke odor. Equipped with heated power front seats power windows power door locks AM FM CD stereo system navigation system backup camera power sliding doors power tilting & sliding sunroof dual zone digital climate control with hot heat and ice cold A C. There is also climate control in the rear. The 6-cylinder engine starts right up and runs great. The automatic transmission shifts great. The brakes steering and suspension all feel great. It really is a fantastic running & driving van



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