20th Century Modern Art Lithographs and Etchings

The enduring impact of modern art masters like Picasso Chagall Matisse and others is honored in J D Smith Fine Art s newest exhibit A Tribute to 20th Century Modern Art . Showing now the exhibit features graphic works by these leading 20th Century Modernists. odern art includes a wide-ranging group of movements and styles such as Fauvism Cubism Minimalism Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism. A list of the most renown of 20th Century Modern Masters always includes the names of Picasso Matisse Chagall Miro and Dali. Graphics played an important part in each artist s body of work with Chagall and Picasso each producing over 1 000 works on paper. These graphic works are much more accessible and affordable as some of them exist in larger editions. epresentative works from these larger editions are included in the exhibit. Prices vary for the different pieces. Visit A Tribute to 20th Century Modern Art The exhibit is on now. www.jdsmithfineart.com tribute_modern_art.



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