Book 3 BHK Fully Furnished Apartment Panchsheel Hynish Rs.39.2

Panchsheel Hynish designed to accommodate your luxurious property in Greater Noida. This residential Project offering Ready To Move IN Fully Furnished 3 BHK at most affordable price. Within short distance there schools colleges shopping complex professional institutions. Presently more than 50000 families are living in Greater Noida West. A 2 Levels of functional Shopping Complex make your day to day requirement easy to get. Call Now for Booking 3 BHK Flat.Panchsheel Hynish Amenities -24 7 Power Back up and water supplyEco Friendly environmentLower maintenance chargeCafeteria and Club HouseFire Fighting EquipmentFood CourtMaintenance StaffPower Back UpVaastu CompliantVisitor Parking Location Sector 1 Bisrakh Greater NoidaBedrooms 3 BHKSuper Area 1197 sq.ft.Price Starting Rs.39.20 L Contact for Booking Now - TruHome RealtyB-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 Noida - 201301.Call Us - 91 8744077088 Visit us



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