Beautiful ceramic pears and matching cookie jar

Grouping of three heavy ceramic pears and matching cookie jar. This grouping of pears would be an exceptional decoration in a large kitchen side table bathroom vanity etc. The cookie jar could be used to hold washcloths bars of soap et. Unless of course you want it for a real live cookie jar. The largest white pear is 12 with hammered brass leaves. The green pear is 10 with the same burnished brass leaves. The third pair is 8 in antiqued grey white color. The cookie jar is a darker green with a beautiful hand applied finish. The large pear alone sells for 109.0. They have not been used and are still boxed. I am asking 100.00 and no trades. This is an exceptional and rare combination that would be a tremendous addition to any home. These are designer purchases and the price is unbelievable. I have more projcts and need to sell off some of my new inventory. Don t miss out. Thanks for taking a look A waterproof finish may be applied to these pears so they may be used to decorate your patio or outdoor dining spot. Please email if you have any questions. They may also be used as bookends or given singly as gifts. With bridal season coming thse are a steal and I will custom wrap them for you as a set. Individually will be 5 per pear. I will happily email you photos of come of the custom gift wrapping I do. I do it professionaly and the presentation is always nearly as beautiful as the gift.



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