Catering Supervisor

The Masters School ARAMARK has a position at the following site The Masters School Catering Supervisor The Masters School ( is a coed day and boarding school located in Dobbs Ferry NY that engages 650 students in critical creative and independent habits of thought and encourages a lifelong passion for learning. The Masters School promotes and celebrates academic achievement artistic development ethical action athletic endeavor and personal growth. The School maintains a diverse community that encourages students to participate actively in decisions affecting their lives and to develop an appreciation of their responsibilities to the larger world. Located on a majestic 96-acre campus the 135-year-old school is just 35 minutes by train from Grand Central Station The campus hosts a variety of upscale catering events in our historical mansion. Applicant must have experience in food service and catering. Culinary degree preferred. ARAMARK offers an excellent benefits package career growth & competitive salary. Only the serious need to apply Duties Setting up servicing and clean up catered events. Assist with Residential Dining Hall Training staff. Printing menus. nutrition info and marketing. Assist with menu and setup design. Catering Services Provided Cont. Breakfast Full Breakfast Lunch Sit Down Dinners Buffets Cocktails & Hors d oeuvre About ARAMARKARAMARK is a leader in professional services providing award-winning food services facilities management and uniform and career apparel to health care institutions universities and school districts stadiums and arenas and businesses around the world. In FORTUNE magazine s 2006 list of America s Most Admired Companies ARAMARK was ranked number one in its industry consistently ranking since 1998 as one of the top three most admired companies in its industry as evaluated by peers and industry analysts. The company was also ranked first in its industry in the 2005 FORTUNE 500 survey. Headquartered in Philadelphia ARAMARK has approximately 240 000 employees serving clients in 19 countries. Learn more at the company s Web site



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