La Parisienne du Siecle - 1899 Color Lithograph After Forain

Original lithograph printed in colors on wove paper after Jean-Louis Forain. A lifetime impression printed for the Ma tres de l Affiche (Masters of the Poster) series printed by Imprimerie Chaix. Transcribed from Forain s original full-size 1892 poster by artisans at Atelier Cheret and issued as plate 196 (of 256) in the series Les Ma tres de l Affiche bearing the blindstamp of the monogram (Lugt 1777c) in the sheet lower right. Published by Jules Cheret and printed at Impremiere Chaix (Atelier Cheret) Paris. This image was an advertisement for an art exhibit by women artists at the Palais de L Industrie. Jean-Louis Forain was considered one of the most important artists in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His friend Degas got him interested in ballet and its dancers and patrons as subjects for his art. This lithograph was one of two that was included in the Masters of the Poster series. Conservation mounted in gold metal leaf frame and acid-free black matte. Protected with UV-resistant acrylic cover. Framed size is 25.25 inches H x 21.25 inches W (64.1 cm x 54 cm). See closeup photos and more details at gallery-of-artists forain-menu forain-la-parisienne-siecle.



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