Wave Gardens - Luxury AC Apartments Sector 85 Mohali 9501174477

9501174477 Ravinder Wave Garden - Luxury AC Apartments in Sector-85 Mohali 3 BHK Apartment in sector 85 wave Garden Mohali WAVE GARDENS with SUBVENTION TILL POSSESSION at Wave Estate Sector 85 Mohali. PAY JUST 15% NOW & NO EMI NO INTEREST TILL POSSESSION 3 BHK 1885 Square Feet 4 BHK Servant Room 3160 SQ ft. Penthouse 2960 Sq ft. to 6310 Sq ft. Duplex 2490 SQ ft to 3840 SQ ft. BSP (Basic Sale Price) Rs. 4550 - per Square Feet For more information or any query please feel free to call. Construction by SHAPOORJI PALLANJI Ravinder 9501174477 E-mail castleestateindia(at)gmail.com or Visit www.castleestatesindia.com wave-estate-mohali WAVEGARDENS Facebook Page - s www.facebook.com Castleestates70



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