When Calling About This Property Please Provide This Reference Number T3109908 Your Name Email Contact NumberContact Information CALL JIMMY WILSON (863) 2.2.9- Family - Bed 3 Bath 3 Sq. Ft 1 651 Year Built 1925Completely updated in 2015 including NEW ROOF (2015) UPDATED ELECTRICAL PANEL AND PLUMBING (Galvanized plumbing removed). This 3 bedroom 3 bath with a 2-car garage and an OPTION FOR A MOTHER IN LAW SUITE sits on a fantastic CORNER LOT Light and bright with an OPEN FLOOR PLAN with HIGH - END FEATURES - which include handsome BAMBOO FLOORING GRANITE in kitchen and baths and 2 covered porches. The kitchen has an island newer stainless-steel appliances new cabinetry granite and tiled backsplash AND HIGH TECH OVER CABINET LIGHTING. The large 400 SQ FT FAMILY ROOM has its own entrance wet bar and private bath and can be used as a mother in law suite or separate apartment. The Master bedroom boasts of walk in closet and French doors which lead to your own private porch with hot tub. The Master bath has a travertine shower and dual vanity sinks with granite counter. TONS OF PARKING A spacious 2 car garage with a separate parking pad in rear for trailer boat parking as well as side parking area. All while located just minutes from downtown in a highly coveted neighborhood within close proximity to shopping dining I-275 and all St Pete has to offer.Contact Information Jim Wilson - Broker Realtor Bullfrog and Dog Realty Inc. Phone (863) 2.2.9- Provided By Kimberly Bowden CENTURY 21 LIST WITH BEGGINS



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