Experienced DJ for your Wedding or Party - N CAL

Let me help you pick songs and plan your Special Event Having been in the music business for more than 20 years I have a good idea of what people expect at their special function in the California Counties of Sonoma and Marin. FREE QUOTE - www.camelotpartymusic.com or Call 707 526 2699 or 415 827 1839 - - PASTE into address bar above - CamelotPartyMusic.com Playing the Hits Dance Motown Rap Hip Hop Swing Big Band Club 50 s 60 s 70 s 80 s 90 s Current 2000 s R& B Country Salsa Latin and more . . . . . I want to play what you want to hear. Great Competitive Prices 20 years experience Professional MC Camelot DJ Service for Wedding Ceremonies Wedding Receptions Birthday Parties Retirement Parties Corporate Events Wedding DJ Anniversaries Backyard parties Karaoke DJ and ethnic parties such as Mitzva s Holiday Parties and Dances of all types. PRICES start at 360. COMPUTERIZED with the latest hits I try to keep my PRICES AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. To keep them low it helps if I know exactly WHEN WHEN and the NUMBER of guests. Request a Quote www.camelotpartymusic.com I HAVE NEVER MISSED AN EVENT



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