Compact Air Purifying Respirator (Fuquay Varina) 725

I have for sale a brand new unused Air Purifying Respirator. ca102-ca102d-compact-air-blower-battery-assem blies This system hooks up to your mask or hood and provides fresh air to you while you are painting welding or anything else that requires provided fresh air. I am also interested in trading for a nice air compressor jon boat or riding mower. (quality) Description This lightweight powered air purifying respirator system helps provide excellent respiratory protection and a continuous flow of filtered air to the wearer. Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) are motorized systems powered by a battery pack which draw air through a filter or cartridge to provide respiratory protection to the wearer. Potential benefits include Benefits Certain systems provide a higher level of respiratory protection than non-powered air filtering respirators. Constant flow of air can provide cooling for the worker resulting in greater comfort for the wearer...



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