Acme Espresso Twin Bunk Bed W Storage Stairway Drawers and Trund

Acme Allentown Espresso Twin Bunk Bed with Storage Stairway Drawers and Trundle Collection Description This listing is for a brand new contemporary style twin over twin bunk bed from the Allentown . Featuring a unique staircase w built-in drawers for functionality and efficiency while clean lines and espresso finish contribute to relaxed style. In addition the twin over twin bunk bed also comes with a twin under bed trundle. The storage drawers provide space for linens or toys and the under-bed trundle bed makes this bed perfect for a sleepover. This bunk bed features solid wood construction and comes in a beautiful espresso finish. This is truly a unique bunk bed that combines functionality and style. This listing if for a twin over twin bunk bed w staircase and under bed trundle only. Mattress bedding and accessories are not included. Dimensions (Approximate) Twin over Twin Bunk Bed with Trundle 98 x 43 x 68 H See more detail or order here Espresso_Twin_Bunk_Bed_p ac-10170.htm



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