French mastiff puppies

Hi, we have an amazing litter of 10 pups available, 7 Boys and 3 Girls, 1 Girl is already reserved, the mother she is fully health tested, Hips 17, Elbows 0 and heart tested clear, all certificates to prove, she has a wonderful nature and temprement, this will be her fourth and final litter, the sire to this litter is Albsa Zeppo, he isnt health tested as yet but has produced some outstanding litters, he is a big teddy bear and loves to play all day, the pups should have brilliant temprements as they grow up.The pup will come with its KC certificate, 5 weeks free insurance, microchipped, wormed and flead upto date, plus we will give you some food to take the pup home so you can gradually change over. These strong, beautiful puppies are ready for their forever homes now! They come with: First injection Vet health checked Wormed and flead up to date KC registered Microchipped Mum & Dad can be seen! Lifetime of support



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