Commercial Service Technician - JR-40024498 - Goodyear

DESCRIPTION A Commercial Service Technician is accountable for properly and safely performing the tire and related services needed for all commercial tire users. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Dismounting and mounting any type of tire on drop center semi-drop center and multi-piece rims to service customer s needs as deemed safe by company policy. Match mounting match mating dual assemblies and radial runout as necessary. Inflating of tires to prescribed PSI per load requirements. Cleaning and maintaining service equipment. Performing roadside service calls on a continuous basis. Determining repairable tire conditions and making such repairs. Removing tires for retreading or repair as needed. Properly executing required billing documents (accurate and legible) then submitting to management. Exercising proper maintenance of assigned Service Vehicle including appearance as on-board service equipment. Complying with DOT regulations including driver s license for class of truck operated. Following all driving rules. Complying with OSHA regulations and safety requirements. Wearing proper PPE using cages and following all other safety policies and procedures. REQUIREMENTS High School or GED preferred. At least 3 months of relevant service experience is preferred. Must have a valid driver s license and meet commercial driver qualification requirements including being at least 21 years of age. Must be able to work in a results-oriented fast-paced environment as part of a team. Must be self-starter and willing to take the initiative able and willing to work without direct supervision. Willing to follow all safety procedures and work in a safe manner. Must be willing to perform service calls on nights and or weekends on a rotating basis. Good oral and written communication ability. Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities Women Protected Veterans Disabled. Apply at s srccsh RTI.home r 5000310671310& c 8& d _dissimuloSSO HiLYXoEy-4U xpOXbzKqlNpc6gJSko-NTDydP-o& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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