Talent Acquisition Manager

Bags Inc. headquartered in Orlando FL is searching for a hands-on Talent Acquisition professional who will develop and deliver the company s onboarding programs and processes and will oversee the infrastructure for talent acquisition across our multiple business lines in multiple states. Manage the entire recruitment process developing and implementing talent acquisition best practices for a fast-growing company Manage the use of recruitment focused technologies applicant tracking system and contact management Implement recruitment initiatives through social media and networking platforms Develop relationships with colleges focused on related programs and courses Recommend targeted and cost-effective job boards to share latest job openings Work closely with hiring managers and create position postings Attend related industry events job fairs and college career programs to meet potential candidates Research competitors and potential candidate information Review resumes and determine suitable candidates Track performance activity for the recruitment team Share weekly status update of open roles with hiring managers and recruitment team Other duties as required Qualifications 5-7 years of talent recruitment experience preferably in the service or travel industry College degree and or HR Certification preferred Ability to prioritize and multitask in a fast-paced environment required Managing in a multi-state organization is preferred At least 3 years managing online applicant tracking systems TALEO experience is a plus Experience with a large company s onboarding process is required Demonstrated ability to identify recruit screen and hire qualified candidates at all levels within the organization Exceptional communication and presentation skills Proven ability to manage and prioritize numerous hiring managers and openings Expertise on updated disciplines and digital recruitment techniques Demonstrated management and coaching skills Proficiency with MS Office Suite Outlook and Applicant Tracking Systems Apply Here



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