Mobile Personal Training Oahu (Oahu)

Exercise in your own home work office or local park. 60 Minute Sessions Priate Training Specials starting at just 40 session for your first month of sessions. extra .50 mile outside 96797 area code. Specials For Group Rates Also Available Experienced NASM Certified Personal Trainer with a Bachelor s Degree in Exercise Science Specializing In Weight Loss Marathon Half-Marathon 10k and 5k Training Muscle Toning Nutritional Counseling What you get with my program Meal plan guidelines tailored to your individual needs and goals Nutrition monitoring through Weekly follow ups on sessions Individually designed exercise program to get you to your goal faster Progress assessments every 4 weeks Email support for any health or fitness related questions Email to schedule your free consultation. Visit My Website about me or my other programs Don t miss out on this life changing opportunity Get Healthy Get Fit Just Into Fitness



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