Deck Boat excellent Condition

CASH ONLY - 26 200.00 Priced BELOW Bluebook 2011 Victory red Tahoe 195 deck boat. Ultimate family fun fishing in am skiing & tubing by day. Late night cruises bright docking lights 4.3 L 190 hp MerCruiser motor 2011 Trailstar Tandem Trailer (breakaway tongue) MotorGuide wireless foot control trolling motor Tahoe Rachet customized boat cover Color-keyed polyester Bimini top with drop down changing curtain always stored inside Lowrance depth finder AM FM CD player with mp3 jack & 60 watt speakers Port refreshment center with sink Removable picnic table with storage Walk thru transom gate front or rear fishing chair stations - Livewell -- Wire transfers Paypal or cashier checks not excepted --Serious inquiries only Email or call listed (no text).



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