31-acre lakefront estate house cabin....

NOTHING LIKE IT Secluded 31-acre Ozarks lakefront retreat. 1 000 shoreline. 3 000 sf main house 1 200 sf cabin 4 to 6 total bedrooms 4.5 baths 5 miles walking and golf cart paths. This spacious home includes two master suites on the main floor 3.5 bathrooms total breakfast bar fireplace decks overlooking lake downstairs family room downstairs bedroom and bathroom lots of storage and extra rooms.The 1200 sf cabin features a large fireplace deck overlooking lake 1 bedroom and 1 bath.This property would be ideal for a large family a church camp stables corporate retreat vacation home or permanent home.The lake is right out your back door for a quick swim or fishing.Also 2.5-car garage 3-car carport. Put 10 cars or toys in 2 400 sf shop garage studio. Decks fireplaces skylights cove creek pond more. Half-mile driveway wanders woods to park-like grounds. Ideally located between Branson Missouri and Eureka Springs Arkansas on Table Rock Lake. This 31-acre paradise can be yours for only 395 000. Additional 10 acres available adjoining property. If purchased with property 39 500. If sold separate from property 55 000.Visit the website listed where the well-known owner shares his adventure the property the area the lake and the people. More photos and information here www.poker1.com archives 21623Reduced from 740 000 agent listing in 2012. Just reduced from 425 000.Call for showing This is a MUST SEE



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