1 Bedroom Suite for rent in "Vacation Village at Parkway Res

The VACATION VILLAGE AT PARKWAY RESORT is located at 2949 Arabian Nights Blvd. Kissimmee FL 34747. THIS COMFORTABLE AND BEAUTIFUL SUITE ACCOMODATES 4 PEOPLE AND IS DECORATED IN STYLISH WEST INDIES DECOR... This suite is fully furnished and equipped with stove full size refrigerated dishwasher toaster big screen TV CD games player King size bed and a sofa bed all linens and towels are provided furnished falconies with nice tropical vistas. Weekly maid service washer and dryer in suite bending machines in different locations swimming pool playground and a splash and play pool. In addition it has a BBQ and picnic areas and grills and beautiful little trails. Conveniently located within 15 minutes of all the Water Parks and Disney Parks and other awesome attractions..... You Just have to bring your clothes and food For more pictures and details go to www.vacationvillageresorts.com



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