Beautiful Vacation Rental in Westcliffe at foot of Sangre De Cri

Now you and your family can enjoy a comfortable mountain home (log design) in Westcliffe next to National Forest the 120 mile Rainbow Trail five 14 000 foot peaks and a dozen 13 000 foot peaks. Perfect for hunters too. Location location location The two story home built in 1999 sleeps 8 people and there is a large deck with hot tub pool table ping pong basketball BBQ grill patio tables bar Dish TV X-Box games and horseshoe pit. It is off of a county maintained road and easily accessible from town. Lake Deweese Reservoir is also in the area Venerable Falls as well as the 6x6 mile square Sand Dunes National Park. So many hiking trails and lakes nearby. Come visit and have all the amenities you need. Three night minimum. Also willing to do home exchange. Let s talk. Call Robert at 719-251-1935 for details.



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