ENCINO TOWNHOME FOR SALE [101N to WHITE OAK exit] 5441 Yarmouth AV. Encino (OLYMPIC POOL SPA & SAUNA) 429 990 2BEDS 3BATHS 2 CAR GARAGE 1 439HOME SIZE 1.95 acres LOT SIZE ABOUT THIS PROPERTY Incredible refurbished town home in the private Encino Concord Townhouses. This light flooded interior unit has it all Wood floor is abundant in the living room along with vaulted ceilings and a fireplace in addition to a sliding glass door that open up to your front patio. The raised kitchen is stunning with granite counters and stainless steel appliances. Choose to eat at the breakfast bar or the formal dining room. 2 well appointed dual masters are unique. One boasts a 3 4 bath and 2 walk in closets The other has a full bath and sliders to a private deck Additional features are a laundry room and powder room for guests. The 2 car garage is attached and has direct access and storage. Community amenities include pool spa and sauna All that s missing is you WHAT A EXCELLENT AS IS BUY ALL FOR APPOINTMENT AND LETS WRITE AN OFFER TODAY Call Womack REALTOR 323.804.1891



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