Customer Service Associates

Large Dane County Supply Company Expanding in Madison WI - Local Madison based Company is ahead in production approaching final quarter of 2014. - All positions are full time and secure year round. -No Layoffs - Approaching up coming Holidays and heading into the 2015 year. Help is needed in all departments due to our normal fall rush. - We are in need of reliable responsible hard working individuals for immediate Full Time Permanent entry level job positions. - We are a company that traditionally promotes from within. Advancement eligibility within 90-180 days.(based on experience) Qualifications Demonstrated abilities to multi-task prioritize and work in a team capacity or alone Exceptional Customer Service Exciting Personality Good Attention to Detail Neat and Clean Appearance Strong Work Ethic At least 18 years of age Reliable Transportation to and from Work Able to work Full Time Perks Family and Major Holidays OFF Paid Weekly (Wednesday) Advancement Opportunity Annual Paid Vacation Trips Performance bonus with Incentives Full Time & Permanent Positions This is just a basic outline of the position and perks we offer more information is available upon interview. HR department will contact you after your submission has been received and reviewed. - Although we prefer applicants (you) to have some experience in customer service we are willing teach any candidate (you) new work skills. - If you do not have prior experience Great -no problem- We provide a comprehensive on the job training. APPLY ONLINE TODAY. Click link below s forms preliminary-candidate-application



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