3 pcs - The First Garfield Musical Figurine Collection

3 Danbury Mint figurines. Part of the Vintage The First GARFIELD Musical Figurine Collection. 1 - GARFIELD having breakfast in bed ODIE with rolled-up newspaper in his mouth Plays Oh What A Beautiful Morning . 2 - GARFIELD is the pirate captain in his bathtub ship ODIE paddling through the bubbles with a broom Plays Anchors Aweigh 3 - GARFIELD fishing on the dock ODIE in water wearing swim goggles Plays Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Each figurine Includes hardwood base.Measures approx. 9 1 2 tall x 8 1 2 wide x 8 1 2 deep (with base).Excellent condition - no chips or cracks. Stored in original box Please Call 949 295-9337



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