Computer Repair Squadpc

Hello welcome and thank you for visiting Squadpc Please take a moment to browse our website and find out about some of the knowledge and expertise Squadpc can bring to your home or business. Squadpc has been supplying IT support PC and Laptop repair services to businesses and homes in the Socal area since 2007. We can offer an unbeatable level of professional service to all our customers. We are friendly communicative and always willing to help. We have some of the best response times in the industry and because we keep our overheads low we are able to pass on excellent value to our clients. So there you have it a high quality bespoke range of services an affordable price. Why not get in touch now for an informal chat about how we can help you. Custom Built PCs Virus Removal Networking - Wired Wireless Apple Support Backup Solutions Laptops Repairs upgrades and servicing Email and Internet support iPhone Screen Repairs Websites 818-384-7741



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