2014 Sundance 5th wheel

BRAND NEW PRICED TO SELL never used 34 foot camper. Our plans have changed and we are selling this BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom home on wheels. Equipped with 4 slide-outs 1 1 2 baths electric fire place ceiling fan and generator Also outdoor kitchen with refrigerator tv and sink. This camper has too many options to list. The master bedroom in front features a queen sized bed and full bath with LOTS of storage. The 2nd bedroom in the back has 2 bunks and a pull-out couch and a half bath with another door leading outside. The beautiful kitchen comes fully equipped with all the comforts of home including a microwave Kitchen table also folds down for additional sleeping area as well as a fold out love seat in the living area. Sleeps 8-10. Price is negotiable buyer must pick up. Please call Rex at 607-692-2658 for more information.



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