Exclusive Product Launch Venue at Soho London

The Gallery Soho is ideally located in the heart of west-end and provides an excellent space for product launches. We offer a blank canvas easily transformed to suit all your requirements. The blank canvas venue stretches over two floors with an exclusive entrance private bar and large windows overlooking Soho. Our onsite events team work closely with our clients to tailor the blank canvas venue to suit individual product launch requirements. VENUE CAPACITY 1st floor 860m2 150 standing 2nd floor 880m2 150 standing Theatre style Seats 80 people per floor VENUE AVAILABILITY The venue is available for hire 24 hours a day seven days a week. We also have a license to sell alcohol from 10am to midnight. FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT HD Overhead projector Bose sound system Fully fitted bar and kitchen Events manager and production team Cloak room Air conditioning All catering companies are welcome www.thegallerysoho.com product-launch.html



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