1985 Chevy C10 Swb

1985 White Chevy C10 Swb for sale. Asking price is 3000.00. 305 Engine 350 Transmission.Nice very loud cherry bomb pipes.Truck is very easy to work on needs interior work and exterior work. Truck has bucket seats. No AC Power steering needs to be fixed its leaking needs new gasket. Transmission needs new gasket to stop leak and rear end needs new gasket to stop leak. Starter needs to be wired to the alternator correctly. Power windows and locks have brand new parts that need to be installed. Truck has a few more small things that need to be fixed but they are all DIY Simple task. Looking for a project truck This is a great start Truck has been sitting for 8 months so may need a new battery. Clean Texas blue title. Great truck runs good Great project truck I just don t have time to work on it. Truck runs great its not running now due to the starter and alternator not being wired correctly so I pulled the wires to correct the issue and never got around to it. Truck will come with two sets of keys.



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