2 year old Great Dane

We have a 2 year old Great Dane Boxer Mix (95 lbs) who is looking for a new home because we are moving and cannot accommodate her as well. She is up-to-date on her shots and also has a microchip. She mostly has the Great Dane personality. She is very calm cuddly and obedient. She knows how to sit shake and lay down. She is potty trained and she stays in her crate when we are gone. She loves being with people and does not like to be alone. She has some separation anxiety which is why she stays in her crate when we leave. We have noticed that this is very manageable when she is in a stable environment. Certain routines such as treats or bones in the crate help her. She loves being outside going to the park or going on walks. She is the sweetest calm and loving dog but she does not get along with other dogs. This is to be considered when thinking about adopting her. She gets very attached to her owners so we think that her issues with other dogs might stem from jealousy. It is important that this dog lives in an environment without any other pets and preferably without kids also (even though we have had her around children many times and she has been great). This dog can be a great and loving companion for you if she lives in a stable calm environment with daily routines. She does not need much exercise and is fine with simply hanging around the house but she does love to spend time outside whenever possible (with walks or trips to the park). She paces her eating herself so it is easy to feed her by simply leaving food available for her at all times.We are hoping to find a stable home for our dog where her needs are properly considered. In the right environment this dog is wonderful. We are asking for 100 to ensure for her to go to a good home but also because we are giving her crate toys and supplies with her.



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