Looking to find someone that can keep me interested

Hello I am Bobby looking to find a woman in her mid-30s and up really don t know whether I can handle a woman in her 30s anymore LOL I am 59 years old weigh 250 pounds six-foot tall am told I carry my weight will I do have a gut can stand to lose a little bit of weight will admit that need someone to help me work on that one I enjoy life and joy people for the most part like to laugh and joke I m a big teaser I don t take too much serious now I can be serious when I have to but prefer not to be I am a happy camper all I need is a camping buddy female good-looking something like that LOL I know that a lot of the ladies vying for all us guys won t are the women that are very nice looking that s not true here I am looking for someone that can put up with my a-s to put it plainly now I do not want a great big woman either Hell the little ones can kick my a-s But seriously I don t really care for one that s bigger than I am I do know that a lady this big and beautiful can be very nice-looking indeed so I try not to judge on that what happens is what happens when we meet may not click that does happen to everyone I m also a good person to talk to I will listen but I will tell you what I think about what we re talking about I treat a woman with respect love to kiss a lot of kissing holding hands being close to the person enjoying each other I am a very sexual person I enjoy it that s about all I have to say right now if anyone wants to know anymore where you can contact me at my e-mail list.And by the way I could not drag a Photo of myself over here but I do have photos on my profile at bvest97(at)yahoo.com Really don t know.



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