Senior Care and Evening Care Child Serives

Runners with Helping Hands was started by Coppin State University trained Registered Nurse Abolore Adekoya BSN RN. Abolore has been a practicing RN for 12 years in the areas of Geriatric Critical Care and Hospice Nursing. Abolore provides compassionate care to elderly adults has been her calling since the age of 16 while working in a long term care center as a certified nursing assistant. Her certifications include Registered Nursing Licensure Basic Life Support (BLS CPR) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS CPR) Medication Administration and End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC-Palliative Care). While working in Hospice she soon felt there was a need in the community to help seniors and those with disadvantages with activities of daily living. With this need Runners with Helping Hands was created on March 1 2014



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