Kotak Mahindra Bank Personal loans

Kotak Mahindra Bank Personal loans Get a step closer to your dreams and goals by availing our Personal Loans and meet your financial needs. You can avail a personal loan to meet unexpected expenses a dream holiday school or college fees wedding expenditure home improvement expenses or even purchase of consumer durables. 1. Avail loans from Rs. 50 000 - to Rs. 15 lakhs1 2. Flexible repayment options - Loan tenors range from 12-60 months for salaried individuals 3. Bank Doorstep Service - Fix an appointment with any of our representatives on phone and get assistance in completing loan related formalities 4. Gain quick approval on loans 5. Minimal paperwork and hassle free processing - No security or collateral required 6. Attractive interest rates 7. Call loansdirect Chennai (at) 99416 21690 Hyderabad (at) 9965278686 For further details feel free to call us Loansdirect.in H No.43-259 2 Plot No. 47 RTC Colony Moulali Secunderabad 500040. Phone No 91-9652378686 Email id loansdirect.hyd(at)gmail.com Website www.loansdirect.in



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