Labor washer

We are currently hiring for a labor washing position for full and part time with our Successful company that has been working hard for over 30 years .We are an employee driven team that strives to be the best We are located in Washington Oregon Utah Arizona and soon expanding into California. This is year round work. Experienced drivers encouraged to apply No experience necessary. Our openings start at entry wages 10 per hour or our Bonus driven programs based on your success. Many of our employee s advance to hire positions from team leaders to site managers. Our wash facilities and mobile washing teams are consistently looking for the best If this is you and you re looking to join our team reply with your resume or download the application on Job Requirements 1. Must be over 18 2. Obtain a valid state drivers license 3. Have a clean driving record 4. Be able to pass a pre employment drug screening and DOT Physical 5. Be reliable and available for every shift assigned 6. Must be trainable and a good self starter



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