2010 Ford Edge SE

CALL You ll NEVER pay too much at Pohanka of Salisbury You NEED to see this SUV Come see me today at Pohanka Hyundai in Salisbury MD at 2015 North Salisbury Blvd. There isn t a cleaner 2010 Ford Edge than this one-owner creampuff. New Car Test Drive said it ...handles better than truck-based SUVs while offering almost as much cargo space...enjoys an edge of 2-3 mpg...easier to control than a truck-based SUV in the snow or on wet slippery roads... J.D. Power and Associates gave the 2010 Edge 4 out of 5 Power Circles for Overall Initial Quality Design. With plenty of passenger room you won t have to worry about being cramped when it s more than just you in the SUV. Prices do not include the Dealer Processing Fee of 300. Not Required by Law. Prices do not include your State Tax or Tags. Remember your tax is always determined by where you live and not by where you buy at Pohanka of Salisbury.



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