extend tongue tandem car dolly

This is a new extended tongue tandem car dolly so you can haul a motorcycle golf cart ATV along with towing a vehical behind your RV or truck. The dolly can carry approximately 750 lbs on the aluminum plateform. The dolly is equiped with hydraulic brakes along with a breakaway brake and uses a 2 5 26 ball. The dolly also allows for unlocking the dolly wheels when hauling a car by simply removing the locking pins or locking the wheels when not hauling a car so you can backup the dolly like a normal trailer. When the wheels do turn in normal operation the fenders stay stationary so the won t cause damage to the towed car like other car dollies. This dolly comes with XL tire straps and a light bar ( both not shown) to attach to your towed vehicle that connects to the four wire wining harness located on the dolly.



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