Project Management Support.

The start date of this job is flexible and in order to find the best candidate the job may remain open much longer than the date mentioned on this posting .. or you may be asked to start sooner than the expected start date if you are able to do so URGENT Please read the job description below. If this interests you please send a MS-Word version copy of your updated resume (ASAP) along with your salary expectations first available date and a telephone contact number E-mail to piritheep(at) Please mention the job title above in the subject line The recruiter in charge of this role is Piritheep AFTER you have submitted your resume via e-mail (when you have a moment) please apply online to match your resume to the job with following link s ApplyOnline teamrecruiter.web tt JD& jobId 009797 If you do not think you are a match for this opportunity but know someone who is feel free to forward this email to them and you will be eligible for a referral bonus upon a successful hire. My client is a well-established IT Consulting Company situated in Calgary AB. They are looking for a Project Management Support. This is a 3 Month contract position with a strong possibility of extension. Responsibilities Leads customer engagement to ensure that it meets all scope time budget and quality expectations through planning controlling and managing customer projects. Determines and pursues courses of action essential in accomplishing objectives. Details Responsible for supporting the management of the complete lifecycle of the project Produce workflows and process diagrams Critical focus on delivering top level customer service meeting & exceeding client expectations Manages and drives project execution and timeline for on-time accurate completion working with Program Lead Coordinate internal resources as necessary Manage all scheduling approvals as required Send formal timely client updates maintain up to date project status in Tracker (working with Program Manager) Setup meetings take minutes update project documentation as required. Ability to work in a fast paced environment Skills Communication Management Organization skills Advanced University degree preferred Previous experience in project management or in like roles businesses. Please note that this is the most up to date version of job description available at this time - During Client Interview you will receive additional information - variance may apply When you have some time please register in our database (5 minute process) to be considered for future openings the link is available on our website at in the Candidate section. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those who meet the qualifications will be contacted through telephone email. You are encouraged to register with us in our database to be considered for future positions available. Have a great day. ......At we offer some of the most highly qualified professionals in the workforce. We dedicate an industry trained recruitment specialist to the following areas IT Finance Admin Sales Executive Search and Contractors. If you would like to learn more about our full-service recruiting firm please visit our website at CAMSC and ACSESS certified ...All Offers are conditional on Client Post-Offer Conditions being met and removed by end client prior to written offer signing



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