Charming 3 BR 2 BA home in Athens listings 170-meredith-ridge-road-athens-ga-30605 Spacious floor plan with lots of natural light. Family room w fireplace and living room. Kitchen features breakfast area pantry solid surface counter tops plenty of counterspace & storage. Generous size master bedroom with walk-in closets. Plenty of closet storage throughout. Large deck is perfect for outdoor entertaining. Private backyard w access through large unfinished basement. Beautiful landscaping offers great curb appeal. Close to schools restaurants banks shopping & walking trails at North Oconee River. Easy access to UGA. Nice quiet neighborhood. Call 706-389-0771 today to preview this home Brittany Purcell & Associates is an award winning real estate team serving Athens Georgia with Keller Williams Realty and is owned by Brittany Purcell Realtor. Brittany Purcell & Associates ranks in the top 20% of all producing real estate agents in the area.Brittany Purcell & Associates Keller Williams Realty 3730 Village Way Suite 160 Braselton GA 30517 706-389-0771



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