New Image Remodeling and Paint L.L.C. Responsibility Understanding our client s needs is my responsibility. To execute the job it s a daily requirement on my part to make sure all the ingredients are there and working together to give our clients the best services possible. That everything fits together tightly and at the end of the day another job has been done correctly and to our client s satisfaction. This is my Personal Guarantee. Painting Services We re a dedicated painting company we are family owned and operated business. Our name is our Bond on every project that we do. In addition we stand behind our name. We have a professional painting team a team that is trusted we firmly believe that the most important responsibility for a painting service is to send honest and reliable people to paint your home or office. The vast majorities of our painting staff has been with New Image for many years and are hardworking individuals that are devoted to providing excellent paint services to our clients. Environmentally Safe We Use all non-toxic VOC free paints and supplies we are a green company doing our part to help the environment and make it safer for children and pets. Environment like your home or office environmentally safe products should be used. In addition it is safe for everyone and that at the end of day it does not smell like a chemical plant. This is a major concern with us. Contact Info (267) 294-1700 felix(at)



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