1984 Olds Cutlass Supreme Broughm 68000 original miles perfect L

This is a rarely used 1984 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2 door Broughm with all parts being origional equipment. It has 68 000 miles on it and it was kept covered in a heated garage for several years by my 80 yr old mother till it was given to me and I am 62 and on disability. I do not go out often and when I do it is in my boyfriends car. So the cutlass sits in the garage most of the time still. I want to sell it cause it is too big for me to drive and my garage is made for a smaller car. I was told it was made for a model T car since my house dates back to the 1920s I do not know if that is a joke or the truth. Anyway my son is a first class mechanic and works in a dealership here in town. I think he would give it a once over to see if its in good shape he has been taking care of it anyway but not lately. The reason I want to sell it is cause the garage is too small and I want a smaller car the price reflects that so I can get a newer smaller reliable car. It has some rust along the trim otherwise there are no complaints about how it runs or the yearly license stickers which run 28.00 a year. If interested call 319-651-3259 ask for Roger he is my boyfriend and can answer any questions ( alot more than I can) about the car.



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