Diamond Pro Series GT Truckmount

Diamond Pro Series GT Truckmount Money Down 0% Interest Approved Financing Start a Carpet Tile Cleaning Business Today CALL 305-896-2727 (Ask for Greg in Truck Mounts) Durable 18 HP Briggs and Stratton Engine Legendary Prochem Performance Combines with a Compact Design Updated Design offers improved Access and easy to remove hoods for easy maintenance Patent Heat Exchange System provides plenty of heat Specs Briggs & Stratton Engine .57liters (18hp) Tuthill Vacuum Pump 270 CFM Cat 3CP Water Pump 1 200 PSi Water Flow Rate 3.5GPM Special Design Features Waste pump out Operating Switch Simplified Control Panel Easy Maintenance Stainless Steel Chemical Pump Pulse Isolating Hose Last Step Chemical Injection



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