asstd. tools

Price very negotiable. Within intelligent reason. cash or certified cheque only. Local wpg buyers only. assorted mechanics tools. used many unused purchased after being appraised socket sets hand wrenches box and open ended sae and metric steels files 1 2 hammer drill many drill bits numerous punches misc. torx sets c clamps several sizes. About 75 screw drivers small air compressor sears shop vac. c w 3 new filters and attachment hoses etc. MANY TOOLS FOR USE ON CARS BEFORE COMPUTERS FOR RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE. timing light etc. majority of tools purchased at Sears. antique wood planes 2 Red Steel cabinets top one Made by Stanley the other on wheels made for Sears. many other tools also included in set. insurance replacement valued appraised at 14 000.00 in 2004.



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