2004 Cardinal 31RKTT by Forest River in Harrison Township

Front Bedroom has queen bed w slide-out Rear Kit Living room w slide-out. Kitchen has 3 burner stove w oven refrigerator w freezer dishes stainless flatware pots pans utensils etc. Table and 4 chairs. Living room has 2 rocker recliner chairs. Sofa folds out to full size bed. Bedroom includes some bedding.Camper sleeps four.Items replaced repaired in Jan. 2014 include Tires (5) Batteries (2-6v.) Hydraulic pump for slide-outs A C blower motor linoleum in bath and entry. Awning was replaced in 2009. This camper has a 9000 pound Gross Vehicle Weight Rating. Load leveling hitch with sway control is included.



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