OC Electrical Service

Orange County Electrical Service Licensed Bonded Fully Insured 24 Hour emergency service Orange County residential commercial and industrial electrical contractors. We provide high quality affordable electrical services. We service all cities in Orange County and offer 24 hour emergency service . We have proudly served Orange County and the Inland Empire for over a decade. Our experienced electricians are dedicated to providing quality work excellent customer service and 100% satisfaction in meeting any and all your electrical needs. We offer competitive pricing for almost any budget and we are on the leading edge of electrical technologies especially when it comes to economical and eco-friendly electrical applications. Furthermore we only use the highest quality products in all of our installations and repairs ensuring long lasting results For appointments please call our number at 1-800-674-5692 For more information visit our website at www.ocelectricalservice.com or email us at info(at)ocelectricalservice.com



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