Orange County Pool Heater Repair

Orange County Pool Heater Repair For appointments please call us at 888-346-2474 OC Pool and Spa for the past 20 years has found that pool heater repair and service to be number one priority with our orange county customers. The pool temperature needs to be kept comfortable in Southern California reliably for all the outdoor gatherings that occur throughout the year. Our trained and experienced technicians can diagnose both gas and electric pool heater faults and perform quality lasting heater repairs. Pool heater service and repairs in Orange County Older pools in Orange County will have inefficient pool heaters compared to today s LoNox models. Anytime we encounter a complete breakdown with a pool heater we perform a full evaluation for proper sizing and function. We then consult with you on recommended options to chose from which will save on long term gas or electrical costs. Additionally automated controls will assure a more consistent temperature and be more convenient with one touch options.We can handle pool heater repairs from almost every manufacturer. We can also service and repair your pool pump pool filter and we offer the best in overall routine service and other pool repairs for Orange County. For more information please visit our website at pool-heater-repair-orange-county.html Or email us at info(at)



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