Buckler s 25th Annual Christmas in September Craft Fair

Buckler s 25th Annual Christmas in September Craft Fair September 6 & 7 at the Volusia County Fair Expo Deland FL - Saturday 10-5 Sunday 10-4. Handmade Creations By Local And National Artists & Crafters. Custom Home D cor Unique Gifts Wine Slushies Purse Organizers Shawls Bears Hair Accessories Fine Needlework Personalized Items Dolls & Toys Country & Primitive D cor Artwork Dazzling Jewelry Handbags Woodworking Painted Glass Gourmet Delights Homemade Fudge Herb Pax Organic Soaps Flags Garden Art Exotic Teas Body Lotions & Scrubs Scarves & Accessories Scrapbooking Plants & Planters Tutu s & Accessories Pet Items Decorated Clothing Candles Go Green with Repurposed Items and Much More FREE HOURLY DOOR PPRIZES Adults 6 Kids 12 & Under Free. One paid admission good all weekend with a hand stamp. 2 OFF ADMISSION Print this information or bring a canned good for this offer. Benefits the local food bank. 3150 E. New York Ave Deland FL 32724. S.R. 44 & I-4. From I-4 Exit 118 East on S.R. 44 one block. From I-95 Exit 249 New Smyrna West on S.R. 44. Buckler Promotions Inc. 386-860-0092. www.BucklerCraftFair.com.



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