HP Deskjet f2240 Printer All In One gently used in original box

This HP Deskjet printer is an All In One Prints Copies Scans & Faxes and in it s original box.Will print letter & legal size cards envelopes labels & photos (4x6 & 8.5x11) with photo paper.Prints Up to 20 ppm of blackUp to 14 ppm of colorUsed minimally and is in good condition. Included is the printer instructions set up power cord and usb cable. I can not find the original set up disc however you can go to hp.com and download an updated driver & software updates or order a disc from them.Weight 11 lbsDimensions H 7.11 x W 16.76 x D 10.53 Located in Exton PA near Rte 100 & Rte 113.Cash Only accepted As Payment Purchaser responsible for Pickup.



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