NEED A LIVE - IN NANNY CAREGIVER Call Sapphire For Your Service

NEED A LIVE - IN NANNY CAREGIVER Call Sapphire For Your Service SAPPHIRE PERSONNEL Inc. Barrie & Toronto owned and operated Nanny Childcare and Caregiver Services serving Provinces across Canada. Trust Sapphire Personnel Inc. for all your childcare and eldercare needs. Think about the benefits you get from hiring a live-in nanny or caregiver. Home cooked meals await you when you get home from a tired day at work. House is clean and tidy. Children are bathed and clean. You don t have to do the laundry. You can relax or spend some well-deserved time alone. Have an occasional weekend to yourself. Weekend or overnight care available if needed. Children are not exposed to daycare illnesses. Children get individual attention. Forget about morning rush. Shift worker No problem. Flexibility in hours and more time for you to indulge yourself. Call SAPPHIRE and let s see about getting a nanny that s right for you. 416-635-6269 855-474-6269 Sapphire Making The Right Connections SAPPHIRE PERSONNEL Inc. is an Employment Referral & Recruiting Agency matching qualified local and foreign skilled workers with industrial companies across Canada and caregivers with families seeking care for their loved ones both private and institutionalized.



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