Computer and Network Support

There is absolutely no replacement for a well designed and well supported business computer network which is why we take such a proactive approach to computer network consulting at Max 1 Technology. With our computer network consultant and support services we closely monitor your network to stop IT problems before they can disrupt your business operations. Expert Computer Network Consultants At Max 1 Technology we have a full staff of certified technicians trained in multi-vendor and platform environments to support nearly any and all enterprise-grade complex IT infrastructures including those with features such as multi-level networks multi-server environments multi-office connectivity integrated software applications custom applications VPNs or complex security. Whether you re a small one-room company with five employees or a large business with 500 employees we can help with all your computer and business network consulting and support needs. Network Support Our wide range of network support services includes server support network infrastructure configuration equipment and or hardware installation and configuration domain architecture and implementation new workstation setup remote network management and administration onsite technical support troubleshooting onsite support services and emergency response services for outages crashes or disasters. All of our techs are Microsoft certified with additional certifications so you have a whole team never just one person that can work on your network or issues. In addition to network support on your existing IT network or infrastructure our team of expert technicians can help with network consulting by making recommendations and implementing new or updated technologies in your company. With each of our techs trained in every aspect of networking we have the resources and manpower to help your business take advantage of newly-emerging technology and make IT work for your business (not vice-versa) in a cost-effective and productive way. Give us a call to find out how we can help your business save money take full advantage of your network limit downtime of your systems and increase productivity through stable reliable and well-planned network consulting and support.



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