Looking for a Cheerleading gym in Denver

Are you interested in getting your son or daughter started in the sport of cheerleading Then look no further then Mile High Elite We offer several different classes and teams including All Star Cheerleading Teams All Star Pre-Teams Recreational Tumbling Classes High School Training Classes Special Event Tumbling Stunting Clinics Birthday Parties Open Gym Mile High Elite is located at 3301 W. Hampden Ave. Sheridan Co. 80110. We proudly employ a full time staff that is dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for athletes. Our mission statement is simple to help athletes become better at cheerleading. Our staff is CPR First Aid Concussion Certified USASF CHSAA and AACCA Certified. We focus on providing athletes with a safe environment to learn new tumbling and stunting skills in. We focus on teaching progressions in both stunting and tumbling so athletes are able to progress through stages quickly while also learning valuable technique that sets athletes up for success in more elite tumbling and stunting skills. We offer multiple training apparatuses including a full spring floor cheer floor skill specific mats along with a tumble track and pit. We train our staff throughout the season on how best to spot safely and effectively. Our staff in knowledgeable in how to spot tumbling skills ranging from a handstand to full twisting layouts. Our website is cheerelite.net mile-high-elite. You will find more information about other programs offered in our facility. Our website is also the easiest way to register your athlete for any of our classes. Please visit our website and click on the New Registration button. Once you hit your athlete is able to participate in any and all activities at Mile High Elite. If you have any questions or need more information please contact us at mhe(at)cheerelite.net or call 303 985 0085.



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